First U.S. Cannabis Cafe Opens in West Hollywood

For the first time in the history of the United States, a cannabis cafe has opened. The Lowell Cafe opened on Tuesday, October 1st in West Hollywood, California. The cafe will feature food, non-alcoholic beverages, and cannabis โ€œsommeliersโ€ who serve cannabis fit to each customerโ€™s food order and cannabis use experience level. The Lowell Cafe will allow smoking, vaping, and the consumption of edibles inside and on the patio, creating a first in the nation hybrid cannabis lounge and restaurant.

How The Lowell Cafe Will Work

Image credit: Lowell Cafe –

On its website, The Lowell Cafe is described as, “America’s first cannabis cafe serving farm fresh food, coffee, juice, and cannabis daily.” The Lowell Cafe is making

consuming cannabis while eating chef-prepared food a reality in California. The cafe is already making waves in Southern California as reservations are booked through October 16th.

The cafe will allow smoking from joints or from personal or โ€œrentedโ€ bongs and pipes. It will also allow people to vape, dab, and consume edibles. While there are no specific limits on what people can consume, security and cannabis โ€œsommeliersโ€ will make sure that no one gets to a dangerous point of intoxication.

For those concerned about being surrounded by smoke while they try to enjoy a nice dinner, the Lowell Cafe has air-filters that will suck up smoke, keeping the restaurant air clean for patrons who prefer not to inhale cannabis smoke .

Is This The Tip of The Iceberg?

As cannabis legalization and regulation envelops the United States, questions continue to arise about how long it will take before the social acceptance of cannabis reaches levels similar to alcohol. One of the biggest steps towards forwarding that goal would be establishing bars or clubs where the consumption of cannabis is permitted. The Lowell Cafe is making that a reality and will be an interesting experiment as to whether or not cannabis cafes will be a sustainable endeavor in the United States.

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