The Unconventional Foundation For Autism and Create Fundraising Campaign For Special Needs Children

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The Unconventional Foundation for Autism and have launched a new campaign that will raise awareness on the growing number of special needs children being denied the proper treatment methods they desperately need.

Many families of special needs loved ones, many of them children, live in states that have medical marijuana as a form of treatment. ย Even mainstream media is beginning to pay attention and last month ABC’s 20/20 featured a story on this very topic highlighting Mieko as a source of inspiration for other mothers.

Children with behavior disorders or suffer from autism have mountains to climb when they are looking for an answer to a problem they can’t seem to put their finger on. ย A common complaint from parents who has had a child diagnosed with autism is that the organizations that are out there make it easier for them to take money from a donor than it is for them to actually use that money to donate to the families who need it.

The Unconventional Foundation for Autism and it’s founder Mieko Hester-Perez know all-to-well the intricacies of navigating a non-profit and getting lost on the other side of the maze. ย That’s why Mieko and her foundation, along with have united in their efforts to raise awareness and support for mothers like Mieko.

When you donate $1,000 to, will donate one of their Gold Packages to help you advertise your collective or medical marijuana related business and you will be helping a family of a special needs loved one, but most importantly you will be helping a special needs child.

If you have a medical cannabis collective or dispensary, or some other medical marijuana related cause, contact Mieko through her foundation at or Sam@Medical and help sponsor a child who would otherwise not get proper treatment or attention.

Through your generous support and contributions Joey can continue aquatic therapy and other special needs children can receive the necessary treatment options they need to help them and their families maintain a better quality of life.

Get UF4A's "I Support Joey's Mom" wristband today and show your support!

The Unconventional Foundation for Autism and itโ€™s founder Mieko Hester-Perez know all-to-well the intricacies of navigating a non-profit and getting lost on the other side of the maze.ย ย That’s why Mieko and her foundation, along with have united in their efforts to raise awareness and support for mothers like Mieko, and children like Joey. ย Show you support by wearing your “I Support Joey’s Mom” wristband, and if you have a collective please donate to her foundation and distribute wristbands through your location.

When you donate $1,000 to, will donate one of their Gold Packages to help you advertise your collective or medical marijuana related business and you will be helping a family of a special needs loved one, but most importantly you will be helping a special needs child.

Through your generous support and contributions Joey can continue aquatic therapy and other special needs children can receive the necessary treatment options they need to help them and their families maintain a better quality of life.

If you have a medical cannabis collective or dispensary, or some other medical marijuana related cause, contact Mieko through her foundation or Sam@Medical and help sponsor a child who would otherwise not get proper treatment or attention.

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