Republican Morgan Griffith Introduced Bill To De-Schedule CBD

Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Virginia) quietly introduced two new bills on cannabis reform

Republican Morgan Griffith Introduced Bill To De-Schedule CBD –  H.R. 714, “Legitimate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Act” or the “LUMMA,” and H.R. 715, the “Compassionate Access Act.”

Legitimate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Act

In 2014, Griffith introduced another similar bill “Legitimate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Act.”  Again in 2015, Griffith and Rep. Earl Blumenaue “Compassionate Access Act.”

“There are countless reports of marijuana’s medicinal benefits in treating conditions including cancer, epilepsy, and glaucoma,” Griffith said in 2015. “It is time to research this further, and, where legal, to allow real doctors and real pharmacists to prescribe or dispense marijuana for legitimate medical reasons for real patients.”

LUMMA’s objective is to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II. That would redefine cannabis as a drug with a “high potential for abuse” but with an accepted medical use.

The bill would make it an option for physicians to prescribe medical marijuana to their patients. Currently practitioners may only recommend cannabis, not prescribe it. The reason for this is that under the Controlled Substances Act, Schedule I drugs may not be prescribed.

The Compassionate Access Act

H.R. 715, the “Compassionate Access Act,” also sets up the process in which to reschedule cannabis, having several agencies give their recommendation to reschedule. It also completely de-schedules cannabidiol, or CBD.

The bill calls on the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, to submit a recommendation to the Drug Enforcement Agency to transfer cannabis from Schedule I to a lower schedule.

H.R. 715 calls for CBD to be excluded from the definition of marijuana and states that CBD “shall not be treated as a controlled substance under this Act.”

CBD is defined in the bill as, “derived from marihuana or synthetically formulated, that contains not greater than 0.3 percent delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on a dry weight basis.”

Full Bills Below

HR 714: “Legitimate Use of Medical Marijuana Act (LUMMA)”

HR 715: “Compassionate Access Act”

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