Unreasonable Search and Seizure – The Susan Soares Story, Part One

As ย the lead Detective in the South Bay Narcotics Task Force unit that raided Susan Soares begins to handcuff Ms. Soares, she was surrounded by a sea of support at the Redondo Beach Police Department.

Susan faces charges of cultivation and possession of cannabis with intent to sell.

Medical Marijuana 411 has obtained a copy of the search warrant and itemized receipt and what the task force didn’t count on were our cameras as Susan’s house a couple of weeks prior, as we collaborated on the Next Steps Cannabis Conference that took place just days ahead of her raid.

In the property receipt, the signing detective notes 60 plants were found in the garage. ย Our cameras contradict that claim, should Susan need to defend herself in court.

She’s hoping the case will be thrown out due to the fact that California Health and Safety Code 11358 and 59, the violations reflecting Susan’s charges, both include the language “accept as otherwise provided by law,” which the Detective found out when he called Mr. Soares’ physician, who verified the amount of marijuana found was within her medical needs as a patient.

“They are targeting me, trying to scare me, but the more they throw at me the more they have to make up, the more people come to our side and see the truth about what’s happening to patients.” ~ Susan Soares

That’s right. ย As soon as the facts made it clear her plants were for the needs of medical patients, the lead Detective on the case, who was overheard by several other officers at the raid, is noted to have “not been satisfied” by what Susan’s physician verified.

One South Bay police officer, who prefers to remain anonymous due to fears of department backlash, believes “this is such a waste of time and money,” wishing they were “doing something more productive as a cop these days in California.”

Susan Soares makes her own oil and lotions, as well as grows for several other patients who are unable to grow for themselves, including one the passed away during this last crop and the police have “her plant,” sniffles Suzan. ย “They are targeting me, trying to scare me, but the more they throw at me the more they have to make up, the more people see the truth about what’s happening to patients.”

In Naomi Wolf’s The End of America, the acclaimed author points out that a closed society has some eerie similarities to what Susan is seeing first hand.

When our tax dollars are no longer being used to keep us safer, but rather to disrupt dissent, detaining and releasing citizens not only becomes dangerous citizens like Susan, but also for the general public. ย Our police officers are spending time on legal medical marijuana cases instead of actually protect.

Law enforcement is aware that Susan’s plants are all within her patient’s rights, and they even verified that fact, which suggests they do know somewhat how to actually detect something, but this particular detective decided to seize all her plants instead.

As Susan awaits bail, she spends one scared night in jail. ย This will not only galvanize the entire movement, both medical and recreational sides of the coin, but it will not end well for the Redondo Beach Police Department either, as Susan has plans to sue the city for her property and damages, as well as ensure proper policy is implemented in the settlement so this type of behavior by law enforcement is no longer tolerated.

If Ms. Wolf’s thesis plays out to be true, which many signs are pointing that direction every day, people like Susan will be targeted and made examples of, but then again, so will the corrupt agents of the drug war that silence dissent. ย Whether they judges going after journalists, or detectives who’s actions are a point of contention with the law by targeting patients and misrepresenting the badge, it is clear

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