Medical Marijuana Patient Elvy Musikka

Medical Marijuana Patient Elvy Musikka

Federal Medical Marijuana Patient Elvy Musikka on Glaucoma and Medical Marijuana

My name is Elvy Musikka and I have glaucoma. I was diagnosed with Glaucoma in 1975. Within a year, I already knew that there was nothing absolutely nothing that was on the market then worked for my glaucoma except for marijuana. And that was a frightening thought because I had believed every lie that has ever been told about it. Proving that ignorance blinds us. I went ahead and had surgeries that shortly after took me out of the bank I was working. One of the benefits of using marijuana is that most of us drop all the other drugs that really do a number on our heads and make it difficult for us to stay healthy between our livers, kidneys and everything else about us. It takes other pills to take care of everything else. I don’t have to deal with that. I did discover marijuana and pretty soon I found that it was the only medicine I ever needed.

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