Eliminating Terminal Lung Cancer with Medical Cannabis

Lung cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to put into remission.

Eliminating terminal lung cancer with medical cannabis. Treating it usually requires a combination of chemotherapy and radiation to initially shrink tumors, then surgery to remove them. In advanced cases, even these techniques often fail to save the patient’s life. New hope is desperately needed for late-stage lung cancer patients, and cannabis oil increasingly looks to be a viable solution.

Sharon Kelly is an Australian woman who was diagnosed with Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer on January 17th, 2014. Cancer had been found in various areas including her left lung, three lymph nodes, and left collar bone. The 5-year survival rate for this cancer is only 1%. Kelly’s situation looked dire.

Sharon Kelly is an Australian woman who was diagnosed with Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer on January 17th, 2014. Cancer had been found in various areas including her left lung, three lymph nodes, and left collar bone. The 5-year survival rate for this cancer is only 1%. Kelly’s situation looked dire.

Traditional Treatment Options

Chemotherapy is often prescribed to extend life and relieve symptoms, but offers virtually no hope of total remission. Kelly initially had two intravenous chemotherapy treatments immediately after diagnosis in January, and then was switched to an oral chemotherapeutic drug called Tarceva. With this drug, Kelly’s life expectancy was between 6 and 9 months.

Obviously wanting more than just life extension, Kelly did her own research and discovered that cannabis oil may be able to completely eliminate her cancer. Not wasting time, she added the cannabis oil to her traditional therapy in February 2014.

For a short time, she also directly juiced raw cannabis leaf, which can enhance the effectiveness of decarboxylated cannabis oil by supporting it with raw cannabis nutrients. To avoid psychoactivity and increase dosage, Kelly also began taking cannabis oil through a suppository method, which can be more than three times as efficient as oral ingestion.

On September 3rd, 2014, a PET scan showed Kelly was free of cancer.

This dramatic turnaround defied doctor’s predictions and medical statistics. Since her success, Kelly has helped thousands of people through her story and direct communications with other patients.

The fact that Kelly had to undergo this lifesaving treatment in secret is a travesty. While protections for severely ill patients in Australia have grown considerably over the past few months, laws against the plant still stand. Most importantly, there is no safe point of access for cannabis extracts, so patients are forced to go underground to obtain the only medicine that has a chance of saving their lives.

For years, scientific studies and anecdotal evidence have supported the effectiveness of cannabis extracts for lung cancer treatment. It is a matter of international urgency that cannabis extracts be made available to lung cancer patients, who could have their lives saved or significantly extended with the medicine.

Here is her story, in her own words:

This is the story of 54 year old Sharon Kelly, a wife and mother who was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in December 2013. She was given no chance of survival and told she would only have months to live. Luckily the decisions she would make would prove her “doctors” wrong.

On Monday, December 16th, 2013 Sharon started complaining of a small pain on her left side around her ribs. She had gotten a massage on the previous Friday so she thought that must be a side effect of the massage. As the days went on the pain increased and when Sharon took a deep breath she started to have terrible pain in that same spot. So she decided to get checked out and on December 19th, 2013 Sharon Kelly was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer.

By the middle of January 2014 the diagnosis had gotten worse. The Doctors told Sharon the cancer had spread to the lining of her lung & lymph nodes and they classified it as stage IV Terminal Lung Cancer. She was given only 6-9 months to live. She asked if anything could be done like an operation or radiation but she was coldly told “the horse had bolted and was way too late to do anything”. They told Sharon they do not offer radiation treatment for stage 4 lung cancer. Sharon was even told that chemo was “not really worth doing” as it would only make her more sick. The doctors were more concerned with her enjoying the “short time” she had left than actually trying to help her live. They had given up on her upon their diagnosis and it was obvious to Sharon they didn’t seem to want to treat her.

Sharon had a 5cm primary tumor in her left lung. She had a number of lymph nodes in her chest that were cancerous as well as a lymph node in the base of her neck that was inflamed with cancer. She had considerable fluid around her heart which they said was cancer in the plura lining of the left lung. Sharon knew NOTHING about cannabis oil at this point. By the end of January the doctors had still yet to start any treatment for Sharon. They were still trying to get a biopsy of the primary tumor to test Sharon for EGFR mutation. Sharon demanded they do something, so they finally agreed to start chemo, almost 2 months after being diagnosed.

Sharon suffered through 2 rounds of chemo from the end of January to the beginning of February before she tested positive to the EGFR mutation. This meant she would no longer be treated with the first chemo she was given, but would be put on a chemo tablet called Tarceva. Sharon was told that the Tarceva could only slow down the spread of the cancer. They told her that there had been some cases of the Tarceva shrinking cancer, but not many, and that it only works for a short time. Over time the cancer would come back with a vengeance. The Tarceva was only given to help extend her life. Sharon was given no hope of surviving and was sent home by her “doctors” to die.

With no hope or any options left Sharon’s youngest daughter turned to the internet in hope of finding some answers. After seeing some of the testimonials from people who have had success with cannabis oil, like Stan Rutner who beat his lung cancer with cannabis oil, Sharon’s daughter called her mother and suggested she try cannabis oil since there was nothing else left. Luckily Sharon was open minded to the cannabis oil treatment and agreed to give it a try. What did she have to lose?

Sharon started her cannabis oil treatment on February 26, 2014. Her husband made her first batch of oil using skills he learned via the internet. Sharon started her cannabis oil doses small but still struggled with tiredness she got from it. She was taking about a rice grain under the tongue every 3 hrs with a bigger one before bed. Along with the cannabis oil Sharon started to juice fresh cannabis leaves and bud every morning and added that to her “super smoothie”.

By May 2014 Sharon had learned about cannabis oil suppositories. Sharon was still having trouble with the oil making her tired when she took it orally. She found that taking cannabis oil as a suppository did not give her the tired feeling it gave her when she took the oil orally under her tongue. Using suppositories she was finally able to take the full 1 gram of oil per day that is recommended for aggressive cancer.

She settled on suppositories being the best application for her. To make her suppository she would mix her cannabis oil with organic Coconut Oil. She would mix ½ cannabis oil and ½ coconut oil putting it in a syringe and administering it as the “up and in” method which Sharon calls it. Sharon was taking 1½ to 2 grams of cannabis oil as a suppository spaced out evenly throughout her day.’




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