Dr. Bernard Rimland & Dr. Lester Grinspoon – Autism Research

Dr. Bernard Rimland & Dr. Lester Grinspoon – Autism Research

Transcript: Finding this research to Dr. Bernard Rimland, he is the founder of the Dr. Bernard Rimland. I have read many books and have been a fan of his since Joey was diagnosed with autism. The day I came home and typed in autism and marijuana and his research came up. I was up all night. I was up until 5 o’clock in the morning. I could not believe that the doctor that I had admired, the doctor that I had researched and the doctor had felt if there is a protocol for autism…this guy is on it.

To find that he had written the initial medical review and research on this (autism and marijuana) blew my mind. I am still struggling with why a few organizations have not stepped up to the plate and said she’s right. We should be honoring this man. Even today, with his passing, he is still saving lives. He saved my son’s life.

Which brings me to another doctor, Dr. Lester Grinspoon, who I just met with recently. He is a phenomenal doctor, person, researcher, resource. He is also a very important in this movement. He gave me so much information that I am still trying to get through it. The fact that he said he supported me 100%. He supported my findings, my research the way I was able to present it to the world. The one thing he did say, is don’t stop. He said, do you know how many other children you have saved by going public? You cannot imagine how many children you have saved. Keep going and he (offered) the tools to keep going. That’s the research.

As I progress in this movement, I am hoping that legislators, congress, the decision makers look at our situation and the rise of autism and step up to the plate. We don’t care how autism got here, but we need to look forward at improving the quality of life for our children.

More about The Unconventional Foundation for Autism, founded by Mieko Hester Perez for her son Joey who has autism.

The Mission of The Unconventional Foundation for Autism (UF4A.ORG) An Informational Website: is to (1)raise awareness and support for families afflicted with this mysterious and misunderstood condition known as Autism; (2) to raise funds for medical research and clinical trials (for full disclosure of details on research & trials please contact UF4A Legal Counsel); (3) to provide functional support of the (IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to parents in need.

UF4A.ORG is leading the way in nontraditional treatments and therapies not covered by healthcare providers or that place a burden on families who cannot afford services such as Aquatic Therapy, additional Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapies, your contributions will directly help support the advancement of our mission.

The Unconventional Foundation for Autism specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease but are proven useful for the promotion of health and life extension. UF4A.ORG recommends that licensed local healthcare professionals are consulted.

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